Many herbs are perennial, meaning they live for several years. Some herbs are easy to grow in your garden, while others require more care and attention. You can find perennial herbs at many nurseries or start your own from seed or cuttings.
You can also purchase pots of herb plants and transplant them into the ground after they’ve become established.
Here are some of the best perennial herbs Zone 6 to grow in your garden:
Basil: Basil is an annual herb that needs a lot of heat and sun to thrive. It produces large leaves with a strong aroma and flavor when added to salads, pasta dishes, and other culinary creations. Basil can be grown from seeds or cuttings but will take about two months to reach maturity if planted directly into the ground. Basil does well in containers and planters filled with sandy soil and placed near an area with plenty of sunlight daily.
Chives: Chives grow easily from seeds planted directly into the ground after all danger of frost has passed in your area. Chives should be planted around the base of trees or shrubs to benefit from their natural protection against harsh weather conditions during winter, when most plants go dormant until warmer temperatures return in the springtime.
Oregano: Oregano is another perennial herb that is easy to grow and provides excellent flavor. Oregano plants should also be planted in the springtime, so they have time to develop their roots before the hot summer months arrive. Oregano has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties, as well as its culinary uses. It can be added to soups, sauces, and even salads.
Mint: Mints are some of the most popular culinary herbs, but did you know they make great companion plants too? Their fragrant foliage helps repel insects such as aphids and whitefly from other plants. Mints also attract bees and butterflies with their flowers, which makes them a great choice for gardens with pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Mints can be used fresh or dried in teas, sauces, and salads.
Tarragon: This herb has a sweet licorice flavor that pairs well with chicken and fish dishes. The best time to harvest tarragon is before flowering. Tarragon can grow up to 3 feet tall and spread out over time, so it’s best planted in an area where you have room to spread out.
Echinacea: This herb is often used as an immune booster in herbal teas and supplements. It has an interesting flower shape that makes it a good addition to any herb garden. The flowers are pinkish purple and bloom from mid-summer until fall. The leaves have a spiny texture that feels like cactus when touched! The root is also edible when cooked or dried for tea or tincture-making purposes.
Feverfew: Feverfew is another medicinal plant used for centuries to treat headaches and other pains. It is an annual plant that grows to about 2 feet tall with small white flowers in late spring through early summer. Feverfew can be grown from seed or purchased as plants at nurseries or garden centers around the country.
Finally, many herbs can be grown in a garden setting, but some are perennial. Perennial herbs will continue to grow yearly with little or no care.